We're not the same. I'm me; you're you.
Identical twins aren't that identical. Two raindrops are not alike.
Why compare ourselves to others? Others ain't us.
We might live in the same society but we're still individuals.
I love coffee while you might love tea.
Chocolate is my drug of choice; cake might be yours.
No biggie, I ain't mad at you. I'm still me; you're still you.
No matter how hard you try, you won't be like her.
You can wish all you want but you are you and will never be her.
We are not the same. Me, you. You, her.
We don't have the same path and aren't meant to travel on the same road.
One way will work for them and another will work for us.
The nose you've got is the one that has been made for you.
Don't wish you had her skin, her personality, her shape, her laugh, her hair...
Be thankful you've got your skin, your personality, your shape, your laugh, your hair...
We are products of our background, our experiences, our culture.
So why do we compare to others like we're supposed to be like the rest of them?
Do you and let them do them.
We don't have the same goals; why then should we go down the same road?
What's good for you might not be good for me.
One loves numbers; another loves colors. Yet, one isn't better than the other.
We need to appreciate the people that we are, as unorthodox as some of us might be.
We shouldn't desire to be like others; we should desire to be our true self.
Find out who you are and stick to it.
Be the original you. Not the copy. Not the edited version.
Let no one fool you: Authenticity is IN. Photoshop is OUT.
Don't compromise.
This is great!