Friday, October 7

How to be a conscious spender (at the grocery store)

+ Always ask yourself if the item you wish to purchase is a want or a need
A need is what is necessary (fruits)
A want is what is desired yet not necessary (chips)

+ Make a shopping list
It gives you an idea of how much you'll be spending and it keeps you from throwing anything and everything in the basket (only to find yourself having forgotten the important stuff and having purchased a lot of junk).

+ Take the cash, leave the card
Purchases made with cash are easier to control. The shopping list should give you an idea of how much money you need to have with you. Round up the amount and take it with you in cash. Leave your card at home if it might compromise your spending.

+ Compare the ingredients on store-brand and popular-brand items
Sometimes, you pay extra for the brand name and not so much for the quality.

+ Don't purchase items merely because they're on sale; that's what they want you to do
The need/want questioning should also be applied on such items. You shouldn't suddenly need something because it's 25-cent cheaper (only for it to go rotten in your fridge).

+ Spend a reasonable amount of time in the store; it's not your home
The more time you spend in a grocery store, the more items you're tempted to purchase. This is why the shopping list is important: it keeps you focused, therefore you're in and out with little distraction in between. If you wish to walk or stroll, there's the park.

Any other advice you might have?
Do share!

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